
2 movies | French

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Do you think it's because of the sun or their constant burning desire for sex that we find some...

Railway to Pleasure

With: Doryann Marguet, ClemBoy

Do you think it's because of the sun or their constant burning desire for sex that we find some beautiful hunks fucking on the way to the beach?

Railway to Pleasure Railway to Pleasure Railway to Pleasure Railway to Pleasure Railway to Pleasure Railway to Pleasure
This Sauna in Bordeaux is one of the most famous in France. In more than 20 years, it has earned...

Sauna Twinks

With: Kevin Sportwear (aka Florian Gerfault), Greg Centuri, Kameron Frost, Kamzouze Crunch, ClemBoy, Illy Ria, Théo Sartera, Magnum XXL

This Sauna in Bordeaux is one of the most famous in France. In more than 20 years, it has earned a very good reputation and a lot of porn movies were shot there. This movie will show you that all the pretty twinks love this place

Sauna Twinks Sauna Twinks Sauna Twinks Sauna Twinks Sauna Twinks Sauna Twinks
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